The Ease of Custom Home Lighting Solutions
At Bliss Lighting, we understand your need for advanced, yet easy-to-use custom lighting. That’s why we became experts in the lighting field. Automation is a must for ease, comfort, and beauty. There are several different benefits of custom lighting solutions, and Bliss Lighting makes them all possible. Helping builders, architects, electricians, and designers every day, we’ve come to find the ease, beauty, and peace of mind that custom home lighting systems bring. We’d love to help your dreams come alive.
Why Automation?
Automation is the way of the future. Smart home builds are increasing in popularity, and for good reason. Life is busy, and full-home automation is the logical step to reduce stress. Imagine, waking up to your lights emulating the sunlight, or dimming to a soft, romantic light in the evening hours. Custom lighting solutions that feature full automation are the best hands-off approach to lighting and maintaining the ambiance of your whole home. From programming in routines, to ensuring that there are no dark corners, Bliss Lighting has you covered.
Functional Art
Our partners understand the importance of aesthetics. You will never have to sacrifice your interior design vision to integrate our custom lighting solutions. Art can’t always be described by words alone, but a few that come to mind are beautiful, fully interactive, and of course, bright! Functional art is even better, a term coined by the interior designs and architects of the world. The term truly encompasses the duality of fully custom built-in lighting that we offer, highlighting the easy-on-the eyes design, and the optimum functionality. Even better, it can all be controlled remotely, with the press of a button.
Why Bliss?
Bliss Lighting is sure to be your preferred lighting fixture distributor. We have a close working relationship with Cloud 9, one of the world’s leaders in luxury custom builds. We take the functional art of custom lighting from stand alone sculptures to built-in bulbs, and transform them to fit your interior design vision. We work with high-level partners like Cerno and Modern Forms to elevate your builds for unforgettable, smart convenience. Since 2019, we’ve been “lighting up” life for all of our partners, builders, designers, and architects. To learn more, contact us today. We’re sure to have the answers for all of your questions, and the solution to all of your lighting problems.